(Even if right now you feel like you're drowning  trying to balance your legal career and motherhood.) 

Create a custom-designed life that you love waking up to.  

Are you a lawyer who feels like EVERYTHING has changed since you became a mom? Not only are you physically exhausted trying to juggle it all, but you’re emotionally spent wondering things like, “Am I really OK with seeing my child for just 30 minutes a night?” and “Do I even WANT to be a lawyer at a big law firm anymore?” 

Or, maybe you aren’t a parent yet but are hoping it’s on the horizon. You’re already worried about how you’re going to break the news to your *very traditional* male boss that you’ll need time off, and you worry you’ll be ostracised because of it. You’ve seen other women in your office go on maternity leave, and it wasn’t pretty. 

Can you relate? 

You wish that a fellow lawyer mama would just come alongside you, tell you that everything you’re feeling is totally normal, and show you how YOU can be the driver of your purpose-driven life. 

… And I’m that lawyer mama you’re looking for! I mentor and coach women in law who are seeking an alternative direction in their current legal profession, or who are ready to strategize options outside of practicing law. 

If this sounds exciting but scary to you, know that I’m here to walk you through the journey. As an ex-BigLaw lawyer and certified Magnetic Coach®, I’ll help you gain clarity around your legal career (i.e. what do I TRULY desire?) and direct you to your most purpose-driven life. 

Hi, I'm Bri...

In this dedicated strategy session, we’ll dive deep into your desired focus area. Maybe it’s navigating maternity leave, strategizing how you can still make Partner as a mom, breaking away from BigLaw, or pivoting to a new career. Following our session, you’ll walk away with clarity, peace of mind, and actionable next steps to guide your future. 

90-Minute VIP Intensive

In this intimate, eight-week coaching container, you’ll find community, compassion, and support among other like-minded women in law. This package includes two bi-weekly (60-minute) group coaching calls per month on a dedicated theme to guide you in your journey. *Note that spaces are purposely capped to maintain the closeness of the group. 

Small-Group Coaching

Available in three-month or six-month packages, my bespoke coaching program provides more long-term support to help you live your best life. We’ll start with a
90-minute VIP session, followed by two
bi-weekly, 60-minute calls per month – all tailored to your unique needs. Whether you’re just thinking about becoming a parent or already are one, I can help you navigate your legal career, family, and big life decisions in a way that feels right for YOU. 

1:1 Private Coaching




Wondering which package fits you best?




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It's never too late to be what you might have been


Wherever you are in your parenting journey, I've got you covered.

I’ll help you know when and how to communicate your maternity leave to your boss, plan for your time away, and adjust to those first few months of motherhood. 


Working Lawyer Mom:

I’ll provide tips and tools to help you re-integrate into the workplace after mat leave, step back into your previous role, and balance motherhood and career. 

I’ll work with you to strategize new career options (within or outside of law) and guide you through the next chapter of your life with confidence and clarity. 

You can have it all when you’re clear on your purpose. 

More balance. More joy. More job satisfaction.


Join the The Lawyer Mom Society Community!

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